"I received a screening invite within 2 hours of applying to a company I've chased for a year!"

-Morgan F.

Friend, does this sound like you?

➡️ You’ve applied to countless jobs with no callbacks

➡️ You feel stagnant, yet the idea of starting fresh feels overwhelming

➡️ You’ve heard it all: overqualified, underqualified, or just not the right fit

➡️ You see others thriving and wonder, "Why not me?"

➡️ You know your resume needs work, but you don’t know where to begin

Revamp My Resume


Your income matches your experience, and you're no longer worried about financial stability

Hi! I'm Charnay

As a Career Consultant, Certified Resume Writer, and Certified Recruiter with over 10 years of experience, I’ve made it my mission to help people unlock their potential and land the jobs they deserve. In addition to appearing on GMA and The Today Show, I have a solid social media community of 300k+.

Resume Addict is more than a resume writing service -we’re your partner in transforming your career. Our goal? To give every qualified candidate the tools to stand out and succeed. This isn’t just wishful thinking - it’s a reality I’ve helped countless others create. You can be next. Let's do this!

📝 Get My Resume

Join 7,000+ job seekers who have gained confidence, scored interviews faster, and increased their salary

How It Works

Hunting for a job can be a struggle. We're here to lighten the load. Discover our simple 3-step resume writing method!

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"100 stars isn't enough. I've never looked so good on paper! This resume is incredible and I'm already getting hit after hit after hit. I cannot stop telling my friends about you!" -Aaron D.

Client Reviews

You deserve to be paid what you're worth! The possibilities are endless with our industry knowledge and your experience.

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Resume Packages

Each resume package includes:

AI & ATS Optimization – Get past automated filters and in front of real hiring managers.

Resume Revision Process – We provide a reasonable timeframe for you to request changes.

Multiple Formats – Delivered in both Microsoft Word & PDF for easy editing and sharing.

Expert-Approved – Personally reviewed and approved by our CEO for maximum impact.